Chrissy - in the scarf club - part 1 -

Chrissy - in the scarf club - part 2

Type: clip

After leaving the home with chrissy in the last video – you (the driver) arrives with hrissy in a room at the meeting place of the excklusiv scarf club. She weares exactly the same clothes and scarfes like she weared at the end of the last video.

She feels really unconfortable with the situation and she doesn-t want to be member of the scarf-club – but it is to late.
The driver put the jacket away of her – also the headscarf and the gag – so she has only the blindfold and the tied hands behind. she is getting energetic and is stongly intervening to her situation.
But to become definetly a member of the scarf club, she is getting tied, blindfolded, gagged again and she has to use lot of scarves in different way’s ……… checkout the video and you will see.

Lots of silk scarves, blindfold, gagged and tied up in different ways. 

lovely clip - with best CaptiveChrissy

Full video – about 35 mins – about 1.5 GB to download – MP4 Format 


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